Friday, June 1, 2012

Finally settling in

Kinda busy day. Went grocery shopping, babysat, and made Loaded Baked Potato Soup from scratch for supper (which took quite a lot more prep time than I expected) then Bill and I went out to get iced teas (I know it's dumb, but McDonalds has the BEST brewed iced tea, I just love it, and, yes, I ALWAYS have it totally sugar free - sugar is gross) but by the time we got back, Bill's wrist was acting up and he was cranky, and I don't like him being cranky, so I spent some cuddle time with him before he had to go to sleep. Then I came downstairs to be door-woman for the pets, etc, sat down at the computer, did my regular 'check email, twitter, etc' maintenance and now, at 10:23, I am FINALLY alone, relaxed, in a quiet house with everyone - and every pet's - needs all handed.

TV's off, Spore's writing mix (mostly Justin Timberlake and some LMFAO) is playing in iTunes, and it's time to get to work.

Partway through the first scene in chapter 8. Did a little clean up, now it's back to new stuff.

Tonight's opening line - They open? Mindy turned, hands fisting against her belly, as someone knocked on the door.

Ending - Todd turned, eyes dark, and he took a step toward Mare. "No. Sean's uncle. Paul Casey. How do you know Mindy Harris escaped, too?"

723 words total for the night.

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